Sugar Plant Bolshevik

Our enterprise is one of the oldest sugar factories in the Belgorod region. Today, it is a leading and dynamically developing enterprise in the region.

Sugar Plant in Russia No.1

The sugar plant is a unique, practically waste-free production: pulp and molasses, obtained from beet processing, are used as animal feed and raw material for other food industries.

Annual Sugar Production

> 1 million tons

Annual Beet Molasses Production

> 350 thousand tons

Annual Beet Pulp Production

> 350 thousand tons
We have been producing sugar for almost 18 years. 

Sugar is one of the purest products in the world. It consists of 99.7% sucrose—a natural carbohydrate and the "battery" of solar energy obtained by plants through photosynthesis. The highest percentage of sucrose is found in sugar beets, which we use in production. The adherence to technology is carefully monitored at all stages, ensuring that sucrose from the root crop goes directly into the final product, preserving its natural properties.

 — The Naturalness of Sugar

Innovative beet storage technology is applied using the process of clamping with the use of an intelligent active ventilation system. This allows for an extended storage period, ensures the preservation of raw material quality for processing, extends the duration of the production campaign to 150 days, and creates optimal conditions for transporting sugar beets to the plants.

 — Beet Storage Technology


Our Products

GOST 33222-2015

White Sugar, Extra category

GOST 33222-2015

White Sugar, TC1 category

GOST 33222-2015

White Sugar, TC2 category

GOST 33222-2015

White Sugar, TC3 category

GOST 30561-2013

Beet Molasses

GOST 54901-2012

Dried Granulated Beet Pulp

About the Enterprise

In 2021, with the arrival of new investors represented by LLC "Agroinnovation," a new stage in the life of the enterprise began.

The production capacity allows processing 2.8 thousand tons of sugar beets and about 750 tons of raw sugar per day. Two beet stations provide storage for 88 tons of sugar beets, and the warehouses allow storing more than 6 thousand tons of sugar.

Over the past years, many organizational and technical measures have been implemented to improve the technological processing scheme: the defecation system has been improved, a system for heating defecated juice has been introduced, the washing department has been reconstructed, steam boilers have been overhauled, and the roof in the production building and turbine hall has been completely repaired.

This has allowed our sugar to receive an award for quality at the "100 Best Products in Russia" competition.


Each Stage in Photos

Here are the main sections involved in the operation of the Bolshevik Sugar Factory.

Gas-Lime Department

Diffusion Apparatus - Top View

Control Panel of the CHP Boiler

Turbine Hall

Chemical Laboratory

Evaporation Station

New Centrifuge from Germany

Drying Section

New Pulp Machine

Packing Department

Beet Washing Section

Sugar Warehouse

Contact Phone

+7 (4722) 77-72-71

Our Address:
309377, Belgorod Region, Graivoronsky District, village Golovchino, ul. Tsentralnaya, 7


Joint Stock Company "Bolshevik Sugar Plant"